15 How to Stop Sweaty Feet
When doing a variety of daily activities, but the feet sweat and smell, it will make someone not appear confident or self-confidence will decrease. Foot odor will indeed be very disturbing to the sense of smell if it smells especially if the smell is very unpleasant and in a long time it can make people who breathe experience stomach problems or even faint.
In the human body it produces sweat glands, including body parts such as feet. In both human feet there are approximately 120,000 sweat glands, which every day will work and will moisturize the foot area, especially the soles of the feet. Actually what causes the appearance of foot odor is not from sweat that comes out but more because bacteria or germs are attached to the foot. These bacteria react with sweat on the feet then because of wearing closed footwear or footwear models, the bacteria will develop and cause foot odor because the condition is moist and there is no room for air change that should neutralize the occurrence of foot odor.
If the feet sweat and emit an unpleasant smell, someone will feel inferior when opening their shoes or shoes in front of other people. You don't need to be so worried and anxious because there are a number of tips so that your feet don't sweat and smell.
Ways To Not Sweat And Smell Feet
Different shoemaker materials. Shoes made from materials that can absorb sweat will reduce and prevent the occurrence of foot odor. The skin is a material that can absorb sweat so that the temperature inside the shoe is not moist. Humid temperatures will make the feet emit an unpleasant odor. When buying shoes, choose shoes that can absorb sweat or can give space so that the feet can breathe so that the temperature in the shoe is not too moist. Shoes with a small size can also make the movement space and leg breathing space become narrow so that it will make high humidity.
2. Soak feet with warm water
Feet are lower limbs that often step on things that are under us. Feet must be kept clean so as not to cause an unpleasant odor. One way to deal with foot odor while preventing foot odor arises again is by soaking the feet with warm water. Soak your feet in warm water for several minutes while massage or rubbing the soles of your feet. If you want better results, use antiseptic soap to kill germs on your feet that can cause odor to the feet. Don't forget to rub between the legs and between fingers so that all parts of the foot are clean. After cleaning, soak it back in warm water then after a few minutes lift your legs and dry them with a clean towel.
3. Use lotion
Sweating and smelly feet are more common due to poor foot conditions. Use lotion or olive oil on the soles of the feet by applying it after the feet are clean, ie after bathing. This will make the moisture in the feet balanced, so it is not too moist and not too dry. The condition of the soles of the feet that are too moist or too dry can cause unpleasant odors in the feet. The use of lotion or olive oil will help balance the moisture in the legs so that the feet are not cracked or dry and are not easy to sweat. Use lotions regularly after bathing so that the feet don't sweat and cause odor.
4. Sprinkle the feet with powder
Powder can be sprinkled on the feet that are clean so that the feet are not easily moist because of using closed shoes. The feet are not easy to moist so as to prevent the feet from emitting unpleasant odors. Powder can also protect your feet or heel area so that you don't get scratched when using shoes all day so that your feet or heels remain protected and don't get scratched or injured because of scratches on the parts of the shoe.
5. Take a tea
Tea is one ingredient that contains tannins which can shrink the pores of the skin or help close the pores of the skin so that if used it will shrink the pores on the soles of the feet. The pores on the feet shrink so that the production of sweat glands will decrease and will reduce the occurrence of foot odor. Tea that contains high tannins, namely tea, type of black tea. The trick is by brewing black tea with hot water then mixing steeping black tea water with cold water which is inserted into the basin. Then use the mixed water for a bath or foot bath. Soak your feet for about 20 minutes and do this regularly so that your feet don't smell.
6. Use appropriate socks
Socks are a very thing to pay attention to both the cleanliness and the ingredients so that they don't cause odor to the feet. When going to use socks, choose socks with cotton that can absorb sweat so the feet are not too moist. Also, do not use socks that are still wet because it can cause unpleasant odors. Change socks frequently if you can, so every day you have to change socks so that there is not much bacteria that sticks to the soles of your feet which can cause unpleasant odors in the feet.
7. Sprinkle baking soda
Baking soda, which we have known as an ingredient for making cakes so that the cake can expand, can actually be used to remove and overcome odors in the feet. The trick is by sprinkling baking soda into shoes as much as one teaspoon. This can neutralize foot odor so that you can appear confident without the smell of feet and baking soda will help keep your feet dry during your activities so that you don't sweat easily.
8. Foot sports
Exercise will indeed be healthy including foot exercises that will nourish the feet and will maintain the condition of moisture on the surface of the feet so that the feet will not sweat too easily. The foot that is silent will easily sweat so that it will become too moist and make the effect of foot odor. Between the legs that often exercise will make the temperature of the foot hot so that it will regulate the temperature of the humidity in the foot to remain balanced so that the foot stays dry and does not easily smell because the humidity conditions are maintained.
9. Use anti-bacterial soap
The feet also need to be kept clean even though the legs are the lower limbs and will be dirty again if to do activities. If you want to assess someone's cleanliness, you can see the cleanliness of your feet, because most people prioritize the cleanliness of other limbs compared to their feet. There are also many people whose faces are beautiful and clean but their legs are black and not clean.
Clean your feet every time you take a shower or go home from work, if you want to kill germs on your feet, use anti-bacterial soap so that all bacteria in your feet that can cause foot odor will die, so you will be free of foot odor problems.
10. Soak the feet with lemon juice
Another way to get rid of odor on the feet is by squeezing lemon. The trick is to soak the feet with a mixture of lemon juice. Use warm water in soaking the feet so that the legs are more relaxed so that it will provide a good therapeutic effect on the surface of the foot. Soak the feet for about 15 minutes, the lemon juice will make your feet fresh and not smell and keep the feet moist so it won't sweat excessively which can cause odor to the feet.
11. Cut nails regularly
Nails on the feet are often poorly maintained compared to hand nails. If there are many people who extend their fingernails, it is rare for people to lengthen their nails on their feet. Extending toenails is not a good thing and it will have an adverse effect on the health of the feet which can cause odor in the feet. Long nails can accommodate a lot of bacteria or germs between nails which can cause unpleasant odors in the feet so that the toenails are better in short and clean conditions so that the smell of the feet does not approach the feet.
12. Use coffee powder
Coffee powder which is famous for its delicacy when brewed with hot water turns out to be able to overcome the problem of bad odor in the feet. The trick is to sprinkle coffee powder on the surface of the soles of the feet then let stand for about 15-20 minutes then clean again. Coffee used choose black coffee powder. In addition to this method can also be used by inserting coffee powder into silica plastic and then put it into the shoes before use, this can also prevent the appearance of odor in the feet.
13. Change shoes and socks twice a week
Dirty shoes and socks can also lead to bad odor in the feet. Keep your shoes and socks clean, if you can, change socks every day and change shoes twice a week. Then wash your shoes to clean them again.
14. Use ginger
Ginger, which has been known as a spice or medicine and has the property to warm the body, can overcome bad odors in the feet. Use ginger in a way crushed and then make it like porridge, then mix with warm water and use the water to be applied to the feet every night on a regular basis, it will reduce the smell on the feet.
15. Use radishes
Aside from ginger, turnips can also deal with bad smells on the feet. The method is to mash it by blending it or pounding it. After smoothing separate the radish juice from the pulp then put it into a spray bottle and add one teaspoon of glycerin. Then use the mixture of ingredients to be sprayed on the soles of the feet on a regular basis so that it can expel and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the feet.
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